
It is imperative in martial arts today to focus on a safe environment in which students can confidently come back to training in order to develop their skills. All of ATIMA classes besides the practice of drills in many formats practice sparring in class. Sparring starts at a non contact level and is developed into a light or semi-contact level at the discretion of the student and the professional guidance of the instructor. All is practiced with full protective gear, insurance and quality tuition.

Please don't waste your time and money on a martial art organisation that is all about marketing and high fees. We pride ourselves on being able to bring practical, worldwide years of experience to you the student at an affordable rate. For example our classes start from as little as $55 per month - students can train at multiple clubs complimentary and extra family members receive 20% discounted increments. With FREE trials available, bonuses along the way and the offer of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) if your from another club or left martial simply cant lose.

Unfortunately there are a lot of martial arts stuck in what we might refer to as the dinosaur era! That is to say too much focus in class is based on pattern work, fancy movie style manoeuvres or a lack of training in context. In the modern world (highly dependant on age difference) students need to be supported with knowledge on stranger danger awareness, bullying and/or cyber bullying defence and street skills. This knowledge needs to be put into practice and again depending on age and level of development will require a safe and highly professional environment to do so. Watch out - this might shock you - but there is no one FORM of martial arts out there that covers everything and masters it. As a student or parent you have to be part of an organisation which constantly develops and isn't myopic in its approach to self defence and fitness. This requires instructors who have fought in and mastered their trade - who respect the quality elements of other martial arts and acknowledge, steal, share and refine them back to their students. It also requires a mature and professional instructor to deliver REALISTIC and dangerous techniques that are simply not allowed in any martial arts competition anywhere in the world.

If you or your child are not enjoying themselves along the way of their martial arts journey...then we have simply failed our job! We are also in the business of creating smiles via a passion for development. For example all students love to achieve so they take part in an integral development system while training via a tagging and belt system. They get enjoyment from mastering a drill or from socially making new friends. By playing games and having fun sparring. Little kids love game time and all games are in a martial arts context or have some relation to their martial arts development. Older ones love relying on each other, the social aspects of training, getting outdoors at times and racing or competition in class. Adults love the release of energy as well as social interaction and hitting targets after a static day at the office for example! Our rotating curriculum is designed so that students have focuses for every 3 months (depending on level) but that each class is different and has its own form of martial arts cross training to keep interest.